At Home Yoga Therapy
- These exercises are not intended to treat or cure any serious medical conditions.
- If you are suffering from any serious medical conditions or any conditions that require medication, please consult your physician prior to performing these exercises.
- Contraindications: injury or recent surgery
- Use caution if you are physically weak and use props for support when possible
- STOP if anything causes pain
- Do not strain and listen to your body!
|| Om Sahana Vavatu. Sahanau BhunaktuSahaveeryam Karvavahai |||| Tejasvina aVadhitamastuMa Vidhwishavahai |||| Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi | Meaning in English: "Oh Lord! Protect all ofus, help us to study, be capable, understand, and acquire knowledge.With the acquisition of this knowledge, let peace flow in us.Help us to be brilliant and to learn not to hold any grudges (enmity) against anyone."Om Peace! Peace! Peace! With the eyes remaining closed and after this chantingrub your palms together. Cover your face with your hands.Bend forward your head. Maintain full awareness. Slowlycome back and gently open your eyes. This centering processstabilizes the mind and body to enable us to proceed withyoga practice.
Anger Management

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Anger Explained

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Acute Management

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Trataka: Candle Gazing

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Warm up

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chronic Management

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Chair: Chronic Management
Reproductive Health

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Dynamic asana

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Restorative Asana

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Warm up

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Balanceing Asana

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Alternating Nostral breathing
Total Health

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Colds, Allergy, Congestion, Asthma
Cleansing and protecting the breathing passages, particularly the nostrils, can improve the quality of every breath you take, improving well-being and increasing longevity

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Spinal Flexibility
Your Spinal Nerves Send Electrical Signals Between Your Brain, Spinal Cord And The Rest Of Your Body. Spinal Flexibility Fosters Optimal Communication With Your Body And Your Environment.

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Shankha Prakshalana
One of the main causes of various diseases is the accumulation of Toxins. This is one of the most effective ways to detoxify Your entire body.

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